Us People Podcast

The Quality of Kindness - Elina Allais - Author - #238

With Savia Rocks Season 5 Episode 238

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Embracing Creativity and Empowerment with Elina Allais

In this episode of the Us People podcast, host Savia Rocks celebrates the beginning of Season 5 with guest Elina Allais, a crystal healer and author of 'Crystals for Your Inner Goddess.' They delve into Elina's upbringing in Estonia, her journey through personal challenges, and how those experiences have shaped her spiritual path and healing practices.

Elina shares insights on the power of crystals, her daily routines, and the importance of kindness, compassion, and self-acceptance. She also discusses the role of pole dancing in her life and her ambitions in crystal healing. This episode is a deep dive into embracing one's inner strength and spreading positivity in the world.

00:00 Welcome to Season Five!
01:13 Introducing Elina Allais: Crystal Healer and Author
01:59 Alina's Journey and Inspirations
08:03 The Power of Crystals
16:18 Living a Spiritual Life
27:18 Overcoming Judgments and Embracing Kindness
37:24 Defining Success and Inner Peace
41:42 Where to Find Alina and Her Book
43:29 Closing Remarks and Gratitude

Thank you so much Elina for showing us, that kindness still exist


Kindness comes from the heart of knowing one's own happiness - Savia Rocks

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Elina Allais - Author - #238

[00:00:00] Savia Rocks: Hey guys, we made it to season five of the Us people podcast. I'm your host Savia rocks. And in this season, we aim to empower and embrace creativity through diversity as we dive into the fascinating stories and experiences of a diverse range of individuals. Highlighting their unique perspectives and creative endeavors from artists and entrepreneurs to innovators and activists.

[00:00:25] We celebrate the power of diversity in driving creativity and fostering positive change. Join us as we engage in thought provoking conversations like. 

[00:00:37] Tony DaDa: I made myself intentionally homeless in pursuit of my purpose. 

[00:00:41] Jay Harris: We're aware that. A lot of people want to present and they, and they were in my position and what's worse, they weren't a white male, which is a joke.

[00:00:48] That's even still a thing.  

[00:00:49] Mel: I think my family never, ever say you can't do something. So full of support, full of support for whatever dream. If I said tomorrow when I fly to the moon, they'll probably say, I wish you all the best Mel. 

[00:00:59] Savia Rocks: So [00:01:00] guys, I just want to say thank you for supporting the Ask People podcast for the past five years, and we look forward to sharing another new theme song.

[00:01:10] Hey, 

[00:01:13] Elina Allais: my name is Elina Alais and I'm a crystal healer and the author of Crystals for your inner goddess, a book about empowering women to live our lives to the fullest with the help of crystals. You're listening to the Us People podcast with Savia Rocks 

[00:01:32] Savia Rocks:  Hey guys, welcome to another episode of the Us People podcast.

[00:01:38] I'm your host Savia Rocks. And today I am humbled to be with Elina here with me, who is a crystal healer and a writer. Elina, thank you so much for taking your time to come on the Yes People podcast. How are you? 

[00:01:53] Elina Allais: Thank you for having me. I'm good. 

[00:01:57] Savia Rocks: Awe. So. My first [00:02:00] question for you Elina is, could you tell me about yourself, where you grew up and how that influenced you to be the person who you are today?

[00:02:11] Elina Allais: Yes, so I come from a tiny country called Estonia. Uh, so it's, um, a bit to the north and to the east from the UK, uh, near Finland, Sweden and, uh, Russia. Uh, so I grew up in a small town. I had a pretty idyllic childhood. Um, um, spent my summers at my grandma's place. We had a big vegetable garden, uh, so I, yeah, I mostly, I ate a lot of berries and went, um, mushroom picking in the forest.

[00:02:54] Savia Rocks: That sounds so cool. 

[00:02:56] Elina Allais: Yes, actually Estonians are all nature lovers. [00:03:00] So even now it's been raining a lot and so many of my friends go mushroom picking in the forest. 

[00:03:07] Savia Rocks: I'm gonna come over. 

[00:03:11] Elina Allais: Yeah, we have a mushroom invasion taking place this year. So many mushrooms. 

[00:03:18] Savia Rocks: Oh, so it's, it's really it. One thing I love is that, you know, when you have a really nice upbringing to have the freedom to be a child or just to be who you are as a person, you know, um, what is it like for you?

[00:03:34] Being, having that childhood and being brought up where you are in that way. 

[00:03:40] Elina Allais: Um, I think it has influenced me a lot. I mean, it has, um, it has definitely given me this nature connection and this kind of, um, down to earth, um, attitude and, um, um, humility [00:04:00] perhaps. And just like this, these, these qualities of kindness and compassion.

[00:04:07] And of course I know my grandma's background and like they suffered a lot during wars and stuff. So I know, um, um, how it feels to suffer, but of course, like my generation hasn't experienced anything like this. So, but I just feel very humbled to know that, um, yeah, my grandparents have gone through so much.

[00:04:34] Suffering. 

[00:04:37] Savia Rocks: Well, that makes total sense to me. So my next question for you, Alina, is can you define yourself as a person, but also who do you see when you look in the mirror? But has there ever been a time, Alina, where you have looked in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back at you? How did you manage to go from a person that you may not have liked to [00:05:00] becoming the person that you wanted to become and being happy with who you are?

[00:05:04] Elina Allais: Yes, uh, actually I've been through some very dark times. I mean, I've, um, at some point, maybe seven years ago, I had so many obstacles and challenges on my path, like, um, loved ones dying, like, um, suicide in my family and, um, and health issues and everything at the same time, like, um, toxic relationships. And so it's, uh, I really know what it feels like to, um, to, um, to lose your confidence and to lose your self belief.

[00:05:46] And so I struggled with self worth and self esteem, um, but, um, I feel that this experience actually helped me. Pushed me on a spiritual path [00:06:00] and I kind of got like a wake up call from the universe It was like I had this flash of insight that that I have power within me and like I've always had this power and It's just like up to me to save myself It's it's just only it's I can do anything.

[00:06:25] I wish if I only Believe in myself. But, uh, so I felt like, um, I've got to somehow, um, spread this message to the world, like to help others realize that, um, that they also have this power. They've had it all along. Yes. 

[00:06:46] Savia Rocks: No. I agree with you there. I think we all have a power and sometimes it only gets, it gets, we feel like it gets taken away from us because the obstacles that are blurring our vision and our energy is [00:07:00] sometimes like an energy block, right?

[00:07:03] Your energy can be blocked through you believe, which is a hard time that's going in your life. But sometimes I believe hard times are just a redirection of being able to help you find the optimism and positivity within yourself to find something new for yourself. 

[00:07:23] Elina Allais: Yeah. I feel like. I wouldn't be the person who I am now if I didn't have those experiences.

[00:07:30] I'm actually quite great grateful for having them. I feel like I feel blessed actually for having gone through them because I can't imagine not, um, not being connected the way I am now to my higher self or this divine power. 

[00:07:49] Savia Rocks: See, I think, I think you have many gifts and, you know, and I think, I think kindness and gratitude and humbleness are definitely [00:08:00] free of them.

[00:08:00] No, definitely. So let's talk about I'm a big fan of crystals. I can talk to you. No, I can talk to you all day about crystals. Believe me, I can. Like I have crystals over my doors. I have crystals on my windows. 

[00:08:18] Elina Allais: Wow. You might have more than I do. I don't 

[00:08:23] Savia Rocks: think so. And then I have like I have crystals in the car, like I literally, yeah, seriously.

[00:08:30] And on my books and I joined certain crystals together because they say that certain crystals you can join together as well. So I would love to talk about your book, crystals for your inner goddess. So please first, my first question to you is what inspired you to even decide? Because I've seen a lot of books in the world that are, you know, about crystals, but.

[00:08:54] You go a lot more into depth about them from a different angle. So just from [00:09:00] your perspective, what made you decide to write this book in this way? 

[00:09:05] Elina Allais: So, um, I, I know that, uh, sadly so many women are still suffering, uh, from low self worth and feeling insecure. feeling afraid to fully express themselves. So, um, I wrote Crystals for Inner Goddess to inspire and empower women to fully, to fully express themselves and to live, to live their lives to the fullest and to make their dreams come true.

[00:09:38] And I just, um, Um, I just want each woman to realize how amazing she's and that she's got this power to make her dreams come true. 

[00:09:49] Savia Rocks: See, I like that. I definitely like that. So what about, for example, um, why do you believe that, which is actually a good question in a way, why do you believe that so many women are still [00:10:00] struggling with, you know, attracting abundance, success, love?

[00:10:07] Elina Allais: Um, I think, um, It's mostly our own fears and limiting beliefs that hold us back. Um, and this can be due to emotional trauma or toxic relationships or, or even ancestral wounds that have been passed from one generation to the next. So all these influences and can make us feel like we don't deserve good things in life.

[00:10:36] And this, this kind of feelings of unworthiness. Uh, are the main things holding us back, at least that's what I feel. So, um, so it's, it's the keys releasing those fears and self doubt and just like, um, starting to trust ourselves again. 

[00:10:58] Savia Rocks: What would you say are [00:11:00] the things to help us release our fears? What would you say, what, what helps you to relief?

[00:11:06] You know, release your fears, like if you're nervous or if you're worried or, or if you feel like you're going to be in a situation that you might not be able to, to, to come out of for a while. How do you handle, you know, living through or going through your fears? 

[00:11:26] Elina Allais: Uh, I feel that the key here is self love and self acceptance because like, if we fully accept ourselves the way we are.

[00:11:38] It's much, much easier to like handle failure or to accept that we are just humans, we made mistakes and so we, we won't punish ourselves. Like we, we just accept that we, we are who we are and we will get better. And, um, yeah, [00:12:00] self love, self trust, self belief. Um, this will help us. 

[00:12:07] Savia Rocks: I like that. So how can we learn to adapt ourselves and, and make our, I know you spoke about fear.

[00:12:16] As well, you know, and, and teaching us how to turn things around, but how do you believe that people can also help make their dreams come true? Also bringing crystals into that equation. How can we now use crystals to help manifest and to take away any bad energies that we have? What would you, what advice would you give to, to any women out there?

[00:12:42] Elina Allais: Uh, so, um, so yes, we, we all wish to live an abundant life, um, and I believe that crystals can help us by boosting our self worth, our personal power, and they can help to unlock this flow of [00:13:00] abundance into our lives. And they do this by, by just connecting us with our own, uh, inner power, basically. And they, so the, uh, the bright colored ones, like orange, yellow, red ones, these crystals all boost our personal power, self esteem, self confidence.

[00:13:25] So working with these crystals can help to attract abundance and, um, and, um, make our dreams come true. But yes, I think it's important to have both aspects, this, uh, knowing our own worth. And, um, then like crystals can just help us by, by connecting us with this inner power. 

[00:13:51] Savia Rocks: What are some of your favorite crystals?

[00:13:53] I'm always really intrigued to find out what crystals people like. 

[00:13:57] Elina Allais: Well, I, I could actually show [00:14:00] some I have here like selenite. I don't know if you can see. Yeah. That's selenite. I 

[00:14:07] Savia Rocks: have selenite on my door on the top. Yes. 

[00:14:09] Elina Allais: So this one is really good for higher awareness and, uh, tranquility and connecting with angels and spirit guides.

[00:14:20] Uh, like very peaceful vibrations, uh, very soothing and, uh, I actually keep it under my pillow while I sleep, like every, every single night and I charge it under the full moon. 

[00:14:35] Savia Rocks: Yes. That's it. Yeah. 

[00:14:37] Elina Allais: And then, yes, I have this Roto Knight here. 

[00:14:41] Savia Rocks: Oh, that's a nice one. 

[00:14:43] Elina Allais: Yeah, it is actually. It's one of my favorite ones.

[00:14:46] But this one is, uh, really good for self love and, uh, uh, protection, grounding. So yes, um, uh, so the dark colored ones are [00:15:00] usually good for grounding and earth connection. And, um, and also I have labradorite. Which is like, this has this, uh, uh, play of colors. If you turn it, it's this like Northern lights, but here maybe it's like, it needs to have maybe sunlight or something.

[00:15:21] Anyway, it's, it's got this like magic, almost magical vibe. Like it can show us the way to our soul path and, um, Give us direction in life. 

[00:15:36] Savia Rocks: I like that. That looks so cool. You also have some like, here I have, I have this one. Oh, yes. I'm sure you have loads as well. I can see that you, you have 

[00:15:51] Elina Allais: some of these ones, Amazonite, uh, Tiger's Eye.

[00:15:55] Savia Rocks: Yep. That's the one I'm wearing here. It's got Tiger's Eye. I love Tiger's 

[00:15:58] Elina Allais: Eye. [00:16:00] Yeah, but it's also got 

[00:16:01] Savia Rocks: a few other ones as well here is what you 

[00:16:04] Elina Allais: have the chakra ones like that's it. Yep. That's 

[00:16:08] Savia Rocks: the one. It's really cool. It's really, really see, see, told you big fan

[00:16:17] told you a big fan. So for me, it's, can you, what's it like living in a, in a spiritual, a more spiritual life for you? What is it like for you? 

[00:16:32] Elina Allais: In a way, um, well, sometimes I feel a bit isolated because there are still like so many people who don't really understand that kind of life, but it helps to have just like a few really Really kind understanding people around you and you, and basically just to create your own, um, [00:17:00] safe space and like your own, um, do whatever lights you up, uh, like activities that can, um, Boost your, um, personal power or make you feel good about yourself because this way you won't feel so alone or, or isolated.

[00:17:19] Um, but nowadays I think so many of us are awakening and there are more and more, um, uh, people. Uh, stepping on a spiritual path. So it's much easier to connect with others. Um, and, um, of course, well, I have my cats, I have three black and white cats. So they also have this very like. high vibration or something.

[00:17:49] I feel like they can protect me and like offer me this, this, uh, spiritual protection and like energetic protection. 

[00:17:58] Savia Rocks: They say that cats have a [00:18:00] healing power. They also can heal. Yes, 

[00:18:01] Elina Allais: I do believe that. Yes. Yeah. So they can kind of neutralize all negativity in a space, kind of like absorb the negative energy and turn it into this love and light.

[00:18:16] Savia Rocks: I love that. See, I have two cats. One's black, one and one's ginger one, so, so no, I definitely understand and I feel like anytime you come in from maybe a negative environment, I feel like they kind of shake it off by just, yes, it's really fun. It's really funny to watch, but then you just feel at peace.

[00:18:39] It's really weird to explain, but I know that you understand the way you just feel like, Oh, okay. Everything's kind of back as it should be, which is really nice. I would love for people to know more about you being a crystal healer because some people may not understand what a crystal healer is or what a crystal healer does.

[00:18:59] Could you explain [00:19:00] to us just so to give people more insight of what a crystal healer is and what they do? 

[00:19:06] Elina Allais: Well, actually, I am just at the beginning of my crystal healing practice. So far, I've only like practiced on myself and my family and my friends. Um, but I do like, I, I wish to, to somehow widen my scope and to really, um, begin practicing with people.

[00:19:30] I just felt like I, I needed to, uh, to Heal myself first or so to speak, but yeah, uh, actually I did a Reiki course, um, seven years ago in Thailand and this, um, I feel this was really life changing cause it kind of opened up this spiritual portal or something. And then I felt this healing gifts like opening up.

[00:19:58] Uh, [00:20:00] so this, uh, I feel like combining Reiki with crystals is my way, like really suits me. Uh, it really, uh, gives this extra power to this healing sessions. And, um, and I just, um, what I do is I just place crystals on my own body or my, the body of my loved ones, friends. And then I, um, also practice like I do my Reiki, um, Um, therapy together with crystal healing.

[00:20:40] So, yes, I feel like it works really well. Actually, I feel the energy kind of vibrating out of the crystals. And then, uh, together with this, um, higher Reiki energy starts somehow. I don't even [00:21:00] know how it starts to heal people or balance. It's maybe a better word. See, 

[00:21:09] Savia Rocks: that's really nice. See, I really like knowing about this.

[00:21:12] So, a lot of people always say to me that they feel like there's a block. Oops, there's my cat. Whoa! She went fast. So, a lot of people feel like sometimes they feel burnt out or they feel like, um, they're not going all the way. Being given a place in life of opportunity of where they would like to be. What would you say to anybody who has a block on them or feels like they have a block on them or they feel burnt out in life?

[00:21:44] What would you say to them to do? 

[00:21:47] Elina Allais: Um, I would suggest, um, protecting, um, your energy because so many of us actually don't realize how important it [00:22:00] is to protect our energy. And, uh, so crystals can help us by surrounding us with this. Shield of protection. Um, it, uh, it can keep us safe from like energy vampires or, um, toxic energy or negative energy.

[00:22:22] And, uh, especially those who have busy work schedule or social life, um, they should definitely, uh, focus on protecting their energy because, uh, uh, the more you interact with people, the more, um. Uh, the more prone you are to energy leaks and, uh, some of your life force energy just like flowing out of your system.

[00:22:51] And this can cause like illness and just, or, or just exhaustion and this feeling of burnt out, being burnt out [00:23:00] or, um, feeling low energy all the time. So, um, yeah, I, I suggest, um, protecting your energy and grounding and crystals can help with grounding as well. Cause so many crystals have powerful earth connection and these can kind of, um, connect us with this, uh, nurturing energies of mother earth.

[00:23:26] Yes. 

[00:23:27] Savia Rocks: No, that makes perfect sense. So what are, what are some of the things that You like to do so. I would love to know what a day is like in your life when it comes to two crystals and just you being a crystal healer or teaching yourself. And regardless, if you're in the beginning or if you feel like, you know, you have expertise in something else, but.

[00:23:48] What is a day like in Alina's life when it comes to being a crystal healer, being a beautiful writer that you are, you know, helping people find the positivity of energy [00:24:00] within themselves? What is it like from when you wake up in the morning to when you go about your day? 

[00:24:06] Elina Allais: Well, I actually do really simple, like, my, my rituals are really simple.

[00:24:12] I just, um, uh, I love to give intentions to my crystals. Like, um, first of all, I cleanse them under the moonlight. Usually I wait for the full moon. I place them under the full moon for the whole night, then I collect them in the morning. I set an intention to each crystal, like, um, it could be anything, like, um, something I wish to attract into my life, or something I wish to release, like negativity, or limiting beliefs, or toxic.

[00:24:46] relationships or anything. And then, um, I just really trust that they will work their magic on me. Um, but, uh, but I also, um, [00:25:00] uh, hold crystals in my hands a lot. Like even when I'm reading a book or watching TV, I just tend to hold crystals in my hands, just like I feel somehow it's so soothing and relaxing.

[00:25:14] And, um, Yes, so I do these simple things, but I feel like they are very effective actually. Um, uh, also I, I do a lot of activities, uh, that, uh, feed my inner fire, that kind of uplift my soul, like pole dancing. 

[00:25:36] Savia Rocks: Oh, wow. 

[00:25:38] Elina Allais: This is my thing. This is, the pole dancing gives me this empowered feeling, this, um, it connects me with my feminine qualities, this sensuality.

[00:25:51] This flow, flow of creative energy. 

[00:25:55] Savia Rocks: That's really cool. You have to have a lot of, you know, [00:26:00] upper body strength. 

[00:26:01] Elina Allais: No, actually I don't, but it's, that's, that's why I kind of do it. I feel like I need to like challenge myself and become stronger. And like it, it actually works. It's incredible how, how it works, but mostly I just feel like, um, us women, we should find something, uh, that makes us feel in our own flow, like in this, that opens up our creative energy.

[00:26:31] And so pole dancing for me is, uh, This thing that, like, I feel like I get lost in my zone, in my own bubble, I just feel so, myself, so energized and so powerful, like I really feel this inner goddess, um. Awakening. 

[00:26:56] Savia Rocks: Hey. Yeah. Well, listen, if anything in [00:27:00] life makes you feel whole, happy, at peace, content, and, and have a lot of strength within yourself, then I always say you're doing the right thing.

[00:27:11] Elina Allais: Yes. I do believe that. 

[00:27:15] Savia Rocks: That's definitely right. What would you do? In the world, there are always people who are going to judge you, judge you based upon how you look, just judge you if you're too kind or judge you just in general. Alina, if I was to say to you, if there was no judgment in the world and nobody was ever allowed to judge you in any way, what do you believe that you would do differently in the world?

[00:27:40] Elina Allais: Wow, that's a really good question. That's a really good question. That's a really good question. Hmm. Actually for me, uh, this question somehow doesn't apply because I think I've, uh, I've, um, overcome this fear of being charged. [00:28:00] Like, 

[00:28:00] Savia Rocks: I like that I 

[00:28:00] Elina Allais: had it. I know I've had it for the most of my life, but, but now finally, I feel like I really, I'm not, uh, affected, like of course on maybe some level.

[00:28:14] I'm still affected by judgments and, but, but mostly I feel like I somehow, I managed to, um, raise my energy or vibration higher than these judgments. And then I just, I think I just tell myself that, uh, that it's just not my issue or it's like not up to me to control other people's Whatever their energy or their, uh, lessons in life, if they, maybe they just, that's their path and, uh, And, uh, I'm on my path.

[00:28:58] They are on there. So [00:29:00] it's just, there's nothing to do. I just accept it somehow. And then I feel like it liberates me. Yeah, 

[00:29:11] Savia Rocks: that is the truth. That literally, I think what it is as well is that. People will only judge you based upon their insecurities in their life. 

[00:29:19] Elina Allais: Exactly. Yes. So they will 

[00:29:23] Savia Rocks: try and inflict those insecurities onto you to try and diminish the energy, the beautiful energy of who you are and the light that shines brightly through you because they are not happy within themselves and their light is indemned by, excuse me, somebody else.

[00:29:42] So therefore it's, it's one of those things where because they do not feel whole yet or have not find purpose, exactly. They like to do that to you. 

[00:29:53] Elina Allais: And often, um, they also afraid, like really like, uh, Fear can affect [00:30:00] us on so many levels. They might be, like, really defending themselves from some imaginary threat, which is no threat at all.

[00:30:11] But it's just, like, this threat of, uh, something un, uh, unknown to them. Something that's just They have not experienced it before. Maybe this kind of higher vibrations of love and light are so unusual to them that they, it's like threatening almost. I've experienced it with some people that they perceive it as a threat.

[00:30:38] True. 

[00:30:40] Savia Rocks: That is very true. Sometimes people are threatened by your existence of just being. No, that's very true. What are you most proud of that you stand for as an individual in the world? 

[00:30:53] Elina Allais: Another good question. Well, I would say these, um, uh, [00:31:00] qualities of kindness and compassion is what I'm most proud of.

[00:31:05] Cause, um, I feel like no matter what, uh, uh, spiritual teachings or whatever we, um, we, um, bring into our lives. It doesn't really matter as like we need to have this basic, basic qualities of compassion, kindness, um, Love, like, uh, this, um, just being nice to other people, like really, uh, , really treating others with respect and compassion.

[00:31:39] And, uh, I feel like my life has, uh, taught me some really harsh lessons, perhaps, but, uh, but now I, I know what it, like, I really know humility. I know this, uh, this, uh. the value of kindness and compassion. And [00:32:00] I somehow, of course, I also, I'm trying to spread this empowerment message, but, uh, even more important to me feels kindness and compassion.

[00:32:13] Savia Rocks: I agree with you there. I'm a big fan of compassion and kindness hugely. I think there's not enough being given in the world. I think people are too used to people being horrible to them. So if someone comes up and is kind, they think you're weird or you are something and that's not, that's not, that's not the truth at all, I think.

[00:32:34] Love is the strongest gift that you can give anyone in life. Um, and I think that we should share it in abundance. I think people are too consumed by materialistic gain rather than giving the love and kindness that you have and compassion that you talk about, which I'm such a massive fan of. And I, I, Use it in my daily life to try and teach people that, you [00:33:00] know, kindness is key and it's important to all of us So my next question for you is if you could choose one quote that represents you as a person What quote would you choose and why would you choose that particular quote?

[00:33:14] Um, 

[00:33:16] Elina Allais: oh, um, I have one from this Buddhist teacher, but I actually don't know if I, um, um, uh, if I pronounce his name correctly, because it's like this well known spiritual teacher and Buddhist teacher, but the name is so complicated.

[00:33:46] Pitchnathan is his name. I don't know Don't 

[00:33:50] Savia Rocks: worry. Don't worry. It doesn't matter. Don't worry. It's absolutely fine. The 

[00:33:54] Elina Allais: quote is that, um, um, [00:34:00] Meditation is living each moment deeply and I think this is so true because like, uh, I think it's kind of sums up everything like, um, we, we really need to live just like live each moment, like, uh, Feel, feel everything deeply, not be afraid of, um, not hold us, ourselves back or not be afraid of, uh, any outside noise or, uh, judgments, just to, um, be in the present moment and just like, um, just, um, be here now and, um, enjoy ourselves.

[00:34:46] And also like maybe not think so much but try to like feel, feel, whatever like nature or whatever surrounds us, just [00:35:00] try to find the joy in simple things. Um, and try to find the magic in life, 

[00:35:06] Savia Rocks: which is actually 

[00:35:07] Elina Allais: everywhere around us all the time. 

[00:35:12] Savia Rocks: That's true. I think it's just about learning to embrace it.

[00:35:16] I think that's a nice way of saying it. Definitely. So Alina, do you like music? 

[00:35:23] Elina Allais: I do. Yes. I have music as a background, like all the time. There's not as, like, almost a no. not a single moment when I don't have some kind of music playing on the background. 

[00:35:40] Savia Rocks: If, if I said to you, Alina, if there was one song that was the soundtrack of your life, what song would you choose?

[00:35:47] And why would you choose that song? 

[00:35:50] Elina Allais: I, I really don't think I can choose one song. It's I really, it's like, I'm, I, um, [00:36:00] I feel like I switch songs depending on my mood so often. Like I really, I can't choose one. It's too hard for me. What 

[00:36:13] Savia Rocks: would you say is your favorite song at the moment that you, you, you put in the background on replay and then you sing out loud?

[00:36:22] Elina Allais: Um, Um, It's like I'm, I'm having a blank moment. That's 

[00:36:34] Savia Rocks: okay. That's fine. 

[00:36:38] Elina Allais: Um, Sometimes I just like these, uh, Even just the simple pop songs on the radio start haunting me. Like this, uh, um, uh, this, you're too sweet for me. This song, which is playing all the time and it's [00:37:00] haunting me day and night. 

[00:37:04] Savia Rocks: I like, that's a good title, actually.

[00:37:07] Elina Allais: Yeah. I don't know if that's the title, but the words, it's like I could sing it out. Like, loud all the time, it's so catchy, and 

[00:37:18] Savia Rocks: yeah. Oh, I'm gonna look for it now. I'm definitely gonna look for it. So if, if I said to everyone, all of us have success in our lives in different ways. So if I said to you, Alina, can you define the meaning of what success means to you?

[00:37:36] Because we all have a different definition. What would you say to me? Success means to you? 

[00:37:42] Elina Allais: Hmm. Um, I think it means. Being, um, um, being fulfilled from the inside, feeling fulfilled, uh, feeling, um, at peace with yourself, and, um. [00:38:00] Whatever you do or, um, whatever you have achieved in life doesn't matter as much as this, uh, inner feeling of, uh, being at peace with yourself.

[00:38:12] And, um, knowing that, uh, you have everything you need, uh, within yourself and just finding this simple choice in life. So, um, uh, Of course, like you can be ambitious and I like, it's, it's not a bad thing to have ambitions and dreams and, um, but I, what I'm trying to say is that it's not like a must, um, uh, to, um, to like succeed, uh, financially or, um, to have like a big career success.

[00:38:50] Uh, I think more important is. Just feeling at peace with wherever you are in your life and just, even [00:39:00] if you, you're just like raising your children and, uh, maybe doing some humble, maybe, you know, Just volunteering or whatever, it's still, uh, it can give you so much joy in life and, um, fulfillment, like deep fulfillment.

[00:39:23] Savia Rocks: I like that. What is the best advice you have ever received in your life that has helped you? 

[00:39:30] Elina Allais: The best advice, um, maybe to surrender just like to let go and surrender. Cause I'm still struggling with that. Actually. I think that this, uh, control issue, it's like so widespread. We, as humans, we tend to need to have things under control, but, uh, I know.

[00:39:56] By now that it tends to work against [00:40:00] us in a way, cause control comes from ego. And, uh, so the more we try to control, um, the more we suffer in a way. So, um, surrender and just like letting go, going with the flow. It's what I feel is my, the best advice I've received in my life, but I'm still struggling with it.

[00:40:28] I know it's hard to surrender completely and to trust, like, to really trust yourself and the universe. 

[00:40:39] Savia Rocks: I think, I think we go through life and I think each day teaches us something new. about forgiveness, surrendering and even love itself. Yes. I think, I think those three are massive things for all of us to always learn and bring ourself forth with.

[00:40:56] in life. So I've only got two more for you, Alina. [00:41:00] So my second to last one is, when was the last time you felt totally at peace with yourself? 

[00:41:08] Elina Allais: Um, I think it was like, uh, just when I was like an hour before when I was petting my cat, one of my cats. So it's funny how this really, this really simple things in life can make us feel the most at peace.

[00:41:27] Savia Rocks: That's just 

[00:41:28] Elina Allais: like being with your loved ones or petting your cat. It's when you feel the most yourself and the most at peace. 

[00:41:41] Savia Rocks: I like that. That makes total sense. Selena, before I say thank you to you for coming on the show. I would love for everyone to be able to find you on any social media platforms or, or wherever.

[00:41:54] Please let them know where they can also find your book as well. Please let us know where we can find you. 

[00:41:59] Elina Allais: [00:42:00] Yes, so, uh, Crystals for Your Inner Goddess is available on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes Noble, and of course you can grab a copy from your local bookshop. Uh, if you'd like more information, you can visit my publisher's website at www.

[00:42:19] obooks. com And, um, you can follow me on Facebook if you search for Crystal Poems. So that's my page. And then, uh, Instagram. Elina Alais, E L I N A A W L A I S. 

[00:42:41] Savia Rocks: I like that. Elina, I want to say thank you so much for showing us that there is still happiness, kindness and compassion in people in the world.

[00:42:50] Thank you for sharing your book. Book with us and making me such a big fan of crystals, but also the empowerment of women as well. And just [00:43:00] teaching everyone that no matter what you go through in life, there is always light at the end of the tunnel that will help you to get to your destination or let you see that opportunities are always presented for us and for us just to walk through and enjoy life and embrace it.

[00:43:17] Thank you so much for your time. 

[00:43:19] Elina Allais: Thank you. Thank you for having me. It was such a wonderful opportunity. You're 

[00:43:25] Savia Rocks: more than welcome, Alina. You are definitely more than welcome. Guys, I want to thank you so much for listening to the Ask People podcast. And please remember, you can subscribe and leave us a review on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, and any other platform that you prefer listening to.

[00:43:43] Please also follow us on Facebook, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And you can also donate to the ask people podcast so we can continue to hear beautiful stories, guys. Thank you so much for listening. Stay happy, stay [00:44:00] positive, and as always, please continue to be kind to one another. Take care.

[00:44:29] I'm going to be doing my own version of this song. 

[00:44:49] Elina Allais: Bye. Thank you for you have such a peaceful, uh, relaxing energy, fearful [00:45:00] 

[00:45:02] Savia Rocks: of courage. You can win if you try directly to you. You'll see the power, and yes, if you try.

[00:45:22] Spread your wings and let the wind glide you high! Spread your wings And let the wind Glide you high! Will just soar Even through this journey, even fear far behind Our hearts are full of courage, you can win if you try We are ready, yes to you, you'll see the power in us If you try I'm fly like I'm superman Spread your wings and let them wings [00:46:00] fly I'm fly 

[00:46:00] like I'm superman