Us People Podcast

Your Time Will Come - Stevi Ritchie - Entertainer and Showman – #232

August 19, 2024 With Savia Rocks Season 5 Episode 232

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The Resilient Entertainer: A Candid Chat with Stevi Ritchie

Welcome to Season Five of the Us People Podcast with your host Savia Rocks! In this episode, entertainer and showman Stevi Ritchie, known for his journey on X Factor and Celebrity Big Brother, joins Savia Rocks for an inspiring discussion. They explore the importance of perseverance and passion in the entertainment industry, delving into Stevi's personal trials and triumphs. The conversation highlights the power of a supportive system and authentic self-expression. Filled with humor, candid reflections, and motivational anecdotes, Stevie's insights encourage listeners to embrace courage and harness their inner power to achieve success.

00:00 Introduction to Season Five
01:12 Special Guest: Stevi Ritchie
02:30 Stevi's Early Life and Career Beginnings
08:06 Overcoming Challenges and Finding Passion
19:59 The Importance of Support Systems
27:31 Spirituality and Personal Growth
36:32 Making Deals and Future Plans
37:53 Navigating Rejection in Entertainment
46:44 The Importance of Charisma and Showmanship
58:25 Finding Peace and Staying Connected
01:02:08 Final Thoughts and Farewells

Thank you so much Stevi for coming on the show, and being a breath of natural fresh air, with your honesty and passion for life, not matter what come in your way.


We All Have A Different Time To Shine In Life, No Matter How Long It Takes Its Always Come At The Right Time - Savia Rocks

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Stevi Ritchie – It’s Your Time - #232

[00:00:00] Savia Rocks: Hey guys, we made it to season five of the Us People podcast. I'm your host Savia Rocks. And in this season, we aim to empower and embrace creativity through diversity as we dive into the fascinating stories and experiences of a diverse range of individuals. Highlighting their unique perspectives and creative endeavours from artists and entrepreneurs to innovators and activists, we celebrate the power of diversity in driving creativity and fostering positive change.

[00:00:32] Join us as we engage in thought provoking conversations like 

[00:00:37] Tony DADA: I made myself intentionally homeless. In pursuit of my purpose, 

[00:00:41] Jay Harris: we're aware that a lot of people want to present and they, and they were in my position and what's worse, they weren't a white male, which is a joke. That's even still a thing. I 

[00:00:49] Mel: think my family never, ever say you can't do something.

[00:00:52] So full of support, full of support for whatever dream. If I said tomorrow when I fly to the moon, they'll probably say, I wish you all the best mouth. 

[00:00:59] Savia Rocks: So [00:01:00] guys. I just want to say thank you for supporting the ask people podcast for the past five years. And we look forward to sharing another new theme song with you.

[00:01:10] Let's go. How 

[00:01:13] Stevi Ritchie: you doing everyone. My name is Stevie Richie X Factor legend and celebrity. Big brother finalists, and you're listening to the us people podcast with the one and only the wonderful, the magical Savia. Keep it real and keep it light. Love and light. 

Hey [00:01:31] Savia Rocks: guys, welcome to another episode of the us people podcast.

[00:01:37] I'm your host Savia Rocks. And today I have the beautiful Stevie Ritchie here with me. Who's an Entertainer and a showman. I like that he's touching his heart, which is what I love. Stevie, thank you so much for taking your time to come on the ask people podcast. How are you? 

[00:01:54] Stevi Ritchie: Oh, sorry. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

[00:01:57] Yeah, I'm tip top, staying positive, [00:02:00] staying happy and more importantly, put my head above water, which is great. 

[00:02:05] Savia Rocks: This is what I love. This is what life is about, you know, taking one day at a time and just flowing with it, but just go with it. Just no stress. There's, there's no time for stress. I know life can get stressful sometimes, but.

[00:02:17] You know, we live, we learn, we do what we love and then we move forward. That's right. And what don't 

[00:02:22] Stevi Ritchie: break you makes you stronger. 

[00:02:23] Savia Rocks: Very true. Very true. I wish a lot more people took that on board with them. So definitely. So Steven, my first question for you is, could you tell me about yourself, but also where you grew up and how that influenced you to be the awesome person who you are today?

[00:02:43] Stevi Ritchie: Wow. Okay. Well, that's really great. Lovely question there. So, yeah, so, um, okay, where do I begin? So, all right. Uh, I was, I was born in London. Brent in London, North London, uh, moved to Essex when I was [00:03:00] three. Colchester, uh, where my parents still live and my family and friends. Um, And, um, I mean, I was quite a shy kid anyway at school, you know, very shy, um, I wouldn't even say boo to a goose, do you know what I mean?

[00:03:13] I was proper, just really, kind of, into my shell, I, I, I just didn't, um, I didn't associate with many people. I mean, I was, I was a bit of a naughty girl. Don't get me wrong at school. I was a ruffian, but 

[00:03:27] Savia Rocks: to be fair. 

[00:03:28] Stevi Ritchie: Yeah, definitely. I was always in trouble. But then, um, when I got to junior school, it was more Okay.

[00:03:38] Yeah. No, I, I didn't really have many friends. I was a little bit, uh, kind of into myself and I don't know, I suppose confidence knocked and all that, you know, um, then I got to high school, got to high school and then, um, yeah, again, I was just very, uh, I would hate going on stage or being in front of people.

[00:03:56] I'd hate it. I was like, nah, I can't do it. I can't do it. I, I [00:04:00] kind of shit myself in a way. I'm sorry. I don't know if I could swear, but I'm doing it. Oh. Well, uh, Bretty, I proper shit my pants, right? And, uh, I did, I did, I proper did, I, like, arse was flapping. But anyway, right, so, It weren't until I got to my third year, uh, of high school, and, um, I thought, I'm going to audition for Grease, the musical, a school production.

[00:04:27] And I thought, you know what, I'll audition as Kinnicky, because I like Grease Lightning, I like the scene called Grease Lightning, you're burning up the courtroom. And I thought, you know what, I've got to do it, I've got to do it. So I got the role. Like, long story short, I got the role, and, you know, I, I, I started to perform, and then I got really good cheers, I got claps, I got cheers, I was like, and people said to me, you should have been Danny, and I'm like, really?

[00:04:54] And since then, I thought, you know what, this is what I want to do. This is what I want to do. [00:05:00] I love this is what I want. I'm 15 years old. I thought I know what I want to do already. I want to be a performer. I just want to be a showman. I want to be an actor. I want to be able to make people smile and laugh.

[00:05:12] So I sort of pursued that. And to be honest with you, Sabia, I am I didn't do well at school, but I did do well in music and drama. Funny enough, right? I got good grades. I got an A in English speaking in language and I thought, okay, right. I want to do performing for the rest of my life. I want to be a performer.

[00:05:35] So that's what I done. I kind of, um, I went to drama school. Um, and I, I got a, Proper was it a merit in forming London School Musical Theatre, LSMT for short, graduated bish bash bosh. I were also a blue coat upon this blue coat where all the legends of TV started out. Shane Ritchie, Des O'Connor, Brian [00:06:00] Conley, um, uh, Freddie Starr, uh, Michael Barrymore, regardless of what he'd done in personal life, he's still one of the greatest entertainers of all time.

[00:06:09] So I went. I went to be a blue coat and that's what I've done. I, I learned how to work an audience. I learned how to work a microphone and microphone technique being the shows, DJ, compare, host, everything. You learn everything. And I, I say to anyone out there who wants to be in the entertainment industry right now, just go and be a bloody blue coat or red coat or any sort of holiday camp entertainer for two years.

[00:06:34] You will learn. Everything. And I say that now, Shane Whitchie even said it, he said, if you want to be an entertainer, you go and be a holiday camp park, blue coat, red coat, you'll learn everything. So that's what I done. And then of course, you know, I was just, I was just auditioning for things. Um, I was gigging as Elvis Presley, I can't even speak now, Elvis Presley [00:07:00] personator, which was quite, quite funny.

[00:07:03] Um, and I auditioned for X Factor about seven years, um, for like, off and on. And then on the seventh go, it happened, it happened, it just happened. And There we go. I mean, I don't know how much you sort of, uh, researched me, Savia, but, uh, yeah, as you could tell, you know, I went quite far and I got to like, you know, the finals got to, I, I done that.

[00:07:33] I, I, I was mentored by Simon Cowell, um, and last wild card standing. I was, um, yeah, uh, I got all so far and then I got engaged and not engaged anymore, but I don't know. Not engaged anymore. And, um, so I, yeah, and then I went to Celebrity Big Brother, done the X Factor tour, got a record, record deal with Mr.

[00:07:57] Akimoto in Japan. [00:08:00] Um, and now I'm gigging, performing, entertaining, panto ing, I got panto booked this year. Um, And yeah, that's pretty much me in a nutshell, really, so I'm still doing what I love, I still perform, I still entertain, and you know what, I'm gonna, I gotta say this, I smash the fucking shit out of my gigs now, you know, at one point, I nearly, I kinda lost my passion for it years ago, gigging, cause I thought, oh, fucking hell, another gig, oh, another gig, and I lost the passion.

[00:08:32] But now, fast forward a few years on, do you know what? I've got that passion back, you know, because sometimes you can lose it. I was gonna, I was gonna 

[00:08:42] Savia Rocks: ask you, Stevie, was there a moment in your, in your life where, because you know, you said you lost it. Do you know what it was in your life that made you lose it in the first place?

[00:08:52] Or was there something that you was going through or a transition in your life that was happening? 

[00:08:57] Stevi Ritchie: I think I was [00:09:00] going for a bit of a dark place in my life. Uh, my best friends know, um, I was going for a bit of a breakdown, I suppose, not a big one, but I was, I was in a dark place and kind of hit rock bottom.

[00:09:12] Um, and a lot of bad press come out about me and everything else. And, um, And it was hard. It was hard. And I, sometimes I didn't want to perform. I didn't want to do a gig. I, you know, I, I was just, I kind of got to that point in my life where I was just like, it was like, Oh, another gig, another gig, another gig.

[00:09:37] So I was going through a bit of a tough time. We've all been there. Right. Um, and then, I kind of took myself out of that situation and I kind of, I built myself back up, my reputation, my brand, me back up. Uh, and I'm not blaming no one. Look, you know, I always, I always own my [00:10:00] shits, right? I always literally own up.

[00:10:03] If I'm in the wrong, I will literally apologize and and whatnot and say look I'm sorry if I'm right I'll fucking argue but normally I I sometimes I I always fuck up sometimes I always make I 

[00:10:19] Savia Rocks: think we all do I think it's natural and I think if you don't fuck up how are you going to learn? 

[00:10:23] Stevi Ritchie: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

[00:10:25] We all live and learn and what don't break you makes you stronger. And you know what as well, I always believe you can always put your wrong to right. 

[00:10:35] Savia Rocks: It's true. I agree with you there. 

[00:10:38] Stevi Ritchie: And I'm on that path now of peace, harmony, love, positivity, no drama. No, nothing. And I'm really happy. Fast forward a few years.

[00:10:50] I found my mojo back. I got my passion back for gigs. And I actually look forward to every gig now. And I get fucking so nervous. And they always say a [00:11:00] performer, a true performer always gets nervous. And if you don't, Then you're not, you're in the wrong business. You're in the wrong game. But every, every now, when I, before I go on stage and I hear that music, that music that comes in, I'm like, fuck, the nerves, the anxiety, it builds because it's you versus the audience.

[00:11:23] You don't know if you're going to go down shit like a lead balloon. You don't know if you're going to do well. You don't know if they're going to like you, hate you, throw tomatoes at you or whatever. So every time now I always get that feeling, but then two songs in 

[00:11:37] Savia Rocks: I'm, 

[00:11:38] Stevi Ritchie: I'm there, I've got them by the balls.

[00:11:41] I've got them and I'm like, I love this. And now I love it. I love the passion for being on stage in front of a live audience, entertaining, making people smile, making people happy, making people's holidays. And more importantly, if people are going for a tough time and I can make them smile and laugh. Then fuck [00:12:00] me.

[00:12:00] I've done my job. 

[00:12:01] Savia Rocks: Then that's good enough. That's definitely. So my next one tallies into basically what you kind of answered in a way, but more into depth. So Stevie, can you define yourself as a person, but who do you see when you look in the mirror? But on the flip side of that question, has there ever been a time where you have looked in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back at you?

[00:12:23] How did you manage to go from being a person that you might not necessarily liked? The version of in the mirror to becoming the person you are now, where you grab people in the balls and say, Hey, I know my shit and I'm good at my shit. I literally do what you love. 

[00:12:40] Stevi Ritchie: Wow. Now that is a really interesting, deep question.

[00:12:44] So I like that. I like that. So, okay. I'll go. There has been some times in my life where I look in my, I looked in the and I didn't like. The person looking back [00:13:00] at me, I didn't, it's something I've got to say a few months ago, I wasn't kind of a nice person to be around. I'm not saying I was hitting and violent and it's on the other, but I was, I was in a bit of a, I dunno, just a real bad kind of sort of like.

[00:13:19] place in my head and, um, you know, I'm not, I was kind of grouchy, you know, I was never violent, never hit anyone in my life, um, shouted, yes, I've shouted, we all shout, bloody hell, we're all human, right? So, yeah. I looked at my, I looked in the mirror, uh, and I was like, can't be bothered anymore. Can't be bothered.

[00:13:44] Can't be bothered. And another time was when I finished an Easter panto tour with Bobby Davro. I took my top off and I looked back at my body and I was like, oh, No, I know this is vain saying this, but [00:14:00] I didn't like my body. I didn't like, I wanted to be comfortable taking my top off and looking in the mirror and go, fuck me, you look good, you know, because when you, you know what I mean, so when you look In the mirror and it does sound vain this, but I'm sorry, but when you look in the mirror and you, you think, oh, yeah, you look good, you feel good, your brain feels good, your heart feels good, your body feels good, your body, good heart, good soul, good mind, everything.

[00:14:30] Right. So I done something about it. I thought, you know what? I'm going to go on a cut. I'm going to hire a personal trainer online and I'm going to go on one. Now, originally it was only meant to be for eight weeks because I thought that's all I need. I was losing weight rapidly. Bang, bang. I was putting on muscle size.

[00:14:49] You know, I was, I was proper. I was looking leaner and leaner. And then my personal trainer went to me You want to go for the Zac Efron look, the Zac Efron look, you know, from [00:15:00] Baywatch. And I went, I went, fuck it. Yeah. All right. Let's do it. Another eight weeks. So I've done another eight weeks. And then after 16 weeks, I lost four stone.

[00:15:10] I looked ripped to the bone, shredded. I looked lean. I felt fit. I felt sexy. I felt, I felt like, I, uh, like a Greek God. I felt good, like proper good. And I'll tell you what, I tapped myself on the back and I went, you fucking done this, Steve. You deserve all the credit. You put the hard work in, you just listened to the personal trainer.

[00:15:33] You done the graft, you done your cardio, you done your steps, you done your diet. You had no alcohol for 16 weeks, no alcohol. And I done the, like the, the weight training as well. And I looked back in the mirror, I took my top off and I went, Fuck yeah, you look good, boy. And that's the difference between when you take your top off and not feeling comfortable in your own skin, and then taking your top off and looking at yourself as vain as it is, [00:16:00] going, Yeah, you look good.

[00:16:01] I've seen the 

[00:16:02] Savia Rocks: Instagram pictures, so yeah, definitely. 

[00:16:05] Stevi Ritchie: Thank you, my love. Thank you. And it's no steroids. It's very, it's, it's dead easy. It's 10, 000 steps a day, a good diet, intermittent fasting, which I do now, which works wonders, weight training, and a bit of cardio. Now I have no alcohol, but my, I tell you what my downfall is, right?

[00:16:24] I'm going to show you right now, because I'm going to get it. It's my. It's this thing right here. Hold on. My vape. 

[00:16:31] Savia Rocks: Okay. Now 

[00:16:32] Stevi Ritchie: I, I vape, Savio, right? Look, so for instance, I can't stop vaping. This is my device. We all have one. You probably have one. 

[00:16:43] Savia Rocks: I don't have one actually. I, it's funny. No. So I, Stevie, I don't drink.

[00:16:48] I don't smoke. I don't take drugs. I don't, I don't do any of it. I don't know. I've just, I've just never, it's never, it's never attracted my soul for [00:17:00] some reason. I just, I just didn't do it. I just. 

[00:17:03] Stevi Ritchie: Were you like a nun? 

[00:17:04] Savia Rocks: Well, I wouldn't say a nun. There are other things that I can do. Nuns 

[00:17:11] Stevi Ritchie: would be shot. Savia, hats off to you for not doing any of that.

[00:17:16] I don't drink, I don't do drugs, um, and I, I eat good foods. Obviously, I have one treat a week where I have like a pizza or a burger a week. That's it. Right. And that's, and, but I vape. And this is like a fucking dummy in my mouth. Even when I'm in bed lying down, before I go to bed, I'm like this, I'm like that.

[00:17:39] Savia Rocks: Listen, everyone has, everyone has a kryptonite, some have kryptonites, and it's nookie like where they just can't stop. It's just a nookie thing and they're just like nookie. Yeah, and some, some people it might be chocolate, some people it might be, you know, everybody has something different. No one should be there Yes.

[00:17:55] To judge you for it. Do you understand? You've don't. No, that's right. You've done the hard work [00:18:00] of. Making yourself become the person that you want to be, and you are right in a way where you say if you look good, you feel good. But then also it's having the attitude as well to go with how you look as well.

[00:18:13] So when you contribute all those attributes together, you get a beautiful person, you get a beautiful you. So Basically, you were just transitioning. You decided that your health needed transitioning. You decided your mind needed transitioning, and you just wanted to do something about it. And it's just about you having the motivation to be able to do it in the way that you want to, literally.

[00:18:35] Stevi Ritchie: Yes, hit the nail right on the head there. Absolutely, Savya. I, yeah, 100%. I, I just thought I just needed to do it because, um, I made a lot of sacrifices, um, with my ex partner now. Um, you know, she was wanting to eat and drink and I was like, I can't, I just can't. We went away and I just, I said to her, I can't.

[00:18:59] [00:19:00] I can't do that. I can't have one drop of alcohol, weirdly. And I was so disciplined. And that's the thing. You've got to be so disciplined and in the right headspace to do it. Because if, if mentally you're not in that space to do it, you're not going to achieve it. You're just going to, you're going to go off the wagon.

[00:19:19] You're going to eat chocolate. You're going to binge eat. You're going to drink. You're going to, you know, you're going to do it. So for me, I'm all or nothing, right? If I'm going to do something, I'll do it all. If I, if, If I won't do nothing half arsed at all, I'll go, yeah, I'm going to put 100 percent into that.

[00:19:36] I'm going to put 100 percent into that song. I'm going to put 100 percent into that walk. I'll just do everything all or nothing. And that's me. And that's why I done. 

[00:19:45] Savia Rocks: See, see, see, that's something there that people should take away with them in the sense where you can do something when you want to do it.

[00:19:53] It's like you say, it's the motivation and the determination. termination to be able to acknowledge that you want to do something and get it done. [00:20:00] Sometimes I was going to ask you a question, but it was more of the lines where the support mechanism behind you, because sometimes we all need support behind us to push us to be able to do it.

[00:20:10] I know that you said that your partner at the time. Was she supportive towards you when you were doing this, like when you were talking about drinking and saying, you know, you know, you can't have a drink, was she in a sense where would she help you to say, okay, fair enough, you can't drink or was she like, no, I'll go and have a drink.

[00:20:28] What was it like for you? Because this is also really important for people to understand about having a support system behind you if you do need one. 

[00:20:38] Stevi Ritchie: I want to be saying, you know what, she was very understanding and supportive and she understood. She knew I was on this journey of just getting the, getting the goal, uh, losing, um, loads of body fat, looking good in the mirror, you know.

[00:20:56] Um, she understood it. She didn't force anything [00:21:00] upon me. She understood. Um, of course, I mean, we were away, but she wanted, she understood my point of view. You know, um, we still, I still have food, you know, good foods. I just was careful. careful. So I, I think it's very important if you're going to do something really good.

[00:21:18] I mean, I was about 16 and a half stone and I was quite big, like I was talking 25 percent body fat. And um, then I went down literally, I lost, oh my God, I was, I got down to about 13 and a half, 14. 10 percent body fat. So, you know, I'm currently sort of sitting at around about eight, nine percent body fat.

[00:21:42] Now I've got abs. Um, obviously I'm quite, I mean, I'm quite ripped. Obviously I can't show you under here, but you know, I'm quite lean and I've got veins and all that, you know, I'm quite lean and everything. So I, I, I've managed to keep it off. I mean, don't get me wrong at Christmas. It does come back on [00:22:00] sometimes.

[00:22:00] Savia Rocks: That's what it does. It does. It's. 

[00:22:03] Stevi Ritchie: Fucking naughty. So I, I always said, right, because I do Pando at Christmas, I, I don't overindulge. I kind of have a little treat, but I also train, I weight train and do my cardio, et cetera, without a doubt. So you can fall off the wagon if you're not careful and go back to your old ways.

[00:22:22] So this year, for the past, six, seven months. I've managed to keep a good body fat percentage. Good weight as well. I'm about 76, 77 kilos now, which is what, yeah, it's about 13, just under 13 stone, just under. So I'm really happy with that weight and I look good with it. I can't change this. Sorry. All right.

[00:22:44] This, this mug right here. But by God, I can change my physique. 

[00:22:48] Savia Rocks: There is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing wrong with it. Listen, one thing I've learned about life, it's not about how you look, it's how you treat people, and how you make them feel. A lot of [00:23:00] people go on the persona of, but they're more materialistic, superficial type of people.

[00:23:04] And to be fair, Stevie, you don't need them in your life if they're going to be like that. You need people who look at you and say, you know what, I like you for who you are. You And what you bring to the table in the essence of your heart, your soul, and your kindness. If they are superficial, then trust me, it will never last anyways.

[00:23:23] It's just something that is a pastime and will only last a a, a significant amount of time. Then it will go and those are the people in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And you know who those people 

[00:23:34] Stevi Ritchie: are. Oh my God. I use that saying, I use that exact. Saying you and me on the, you've got the same sort of brain, I think 

[00:23:44] Savia Rocks: that's exactly what it is.

[00:23:46] That's exactly what it is. I always say to people as well, how you treat me as a reflection of yourself and how I treat you as a reflection of myself. So therefore, you know, if you're treating someone in a certain way, you might not be feeling 100 percent if [00:24:00] you treat that person, not so kind, but if you're treating people with kindness, even on your bad days, and you're treating people with kindness, that's when you know.

[00:24:09] That you know, your soul, you know, yourself, you know, your reflection, and there's many different types of reflections of who we are and what we go through because in life we transition every seven years. So within those seven years, your past seven years will predict your next seven years. So that's why when you're going through your bodybuilding in a such that's what I call it, your bodybuilding or just transitioning or making yourself feel healthy and stuff.

[00:24:35] You know that that seven years of you Doing that and being disciplined will then shape your next seven years and that's how you evolve as a person and that's how you teach other people to be awesome in themselves and and to help other people pass that on as well. So that's what you're doing, Stevie.

[00:24:54] Stevi Ritchie: Well, you, you sound like a cancellor, like, Saria, that's great. You can be my [00:25:00] cancellor if you like. Hello, Saria. Anytime, 

[00:25:02] Savia Rocks: my dear. Anytime. 

[00:25:05] Stevi Ritchie: I love it. I love what you're saying there. That was so true and so spot on. I couldn't have worded it better myself. Wow. Yes, I love that shit right there. That is brilliant.

[00:25:15] Brilliant. That is pure from the heart. That is brilliant. 

[00:25:18] Savia Rocks: It is. It always comes from the heart. And if you're going to give anyone advice, it has to come from a positive place. A lot of people in your life who will pass through will give you advice, but there will be a, there'll be something behind it. It won't be as genuine as it should, could or would be, you know, and that's, that's when you know who is for you, who is not for you.

[00:25:41] That's really important. I, 

[00:25:43] Stevi Ritchie: I fucking, I'm swearing again, but I don't care. I fucking love that. I love that shit what you just said there. So true. Wow. Wow. Now that is something I'm taking with me right up here. I won't. Actually, no, here. [00:26:00] 

[00:26:01] Savia Rocks: No, pass it on. Pass it on because it's There are, you don't need to have a million, okay, social media has this thing where you need to have millions of people in order for you to get noticed.

[00:26:13] But Stevie, when you're down in a dark place, none of those people on your social media are there for you. You must really call up the person that doesn't have social media, you know, and, and it's usually, The people who you least expect to come and say, I've been there, 

[00:26:29] Stevi Ritchie: Dario. Trust me. I've been there. That 

[00:26:33] Savia Rocks: will be there and help you to come out from the place of darkness and bring you to a place where there's abundant light or abundant healing because we all need healing in our lives.

[00:26:44] Every single one of us have some type of trauma, you know, absolutely. And it's just, absolutely. It's just about how we. Connect with each other to, to help each other heal. So even us having this conversation right now is, is helping us both understand and educate both of us in [00:27:00] completely different ways about healing people who we have in our lives, you know.

[00:27:04] The, the shit that we've been through in our lives that, that determine who we are. But the most important thing is the choices that we make. And no choices are wrong. Choice is a learning curve for you to make another choice to counteract the old one. So that's what it is. 

[00:27:17] Stevi Ritchie: Wow. Wow. Amazing. That's a wow factor right there.

[00:27:24] Wow. Wow. Fucking love that. Wow. You're like proper. Are you spiritual by any chance? 

[00:27:33] Savia Rocks: I am. I am but I don't say it. How did I guess that? I am but I don't say it. The reason why I don't say it is because I'd rather someone feel it than me having to say it. I think that's so important. I promise. How 

[00:27:46] Stevi Ritchie: you're speaking and believe you me, I'm gonna, I'm gonna freak you out now.

[00:27:50] I'm quite spiritual and sometimes I freak myself out. I predict things that happen. 

[00:27:56] Savia Rocks: Okay, predict something. I like this. Okay. 

[00:27:59] Stevi Ritchie: [00:28:00] So, I mean, I have to tune in, but sometimes I get it wrong. I'm not professional. You know, I'm performed by trade, but I'm empath as well. So, Um, I do get vibes of people if I think, Oh, shit.

[00:28:16] Oh, well, they're not happy. Oh, shit. Okay, you feel it, right? You feel it. And, you know, I know it's with you from when you were talking. I, I, I don't know with, I feel you're, you're very, um, you're very kind of into, The spiritual world, you're spiritual yourself. I feel that you're just, um, you're kind of on, am I right in saying you're on a journey at the moment of some kind?

[00:28:46] And you're on the up, on the up. You're sort of, you're, it's almost like you started I'm, I'm, I'm getting fucking freaky now, right? It's almost like you started down there, and you're slowly sort of going up there, and [00:29:00] you're about here at the moment, and you're gonna, like, you, you want to go up there, and you will go up there.

[00:29:04] Do you see what I'm, do you know where 

[00:29:06] Savia Rocks: I'm coming from? No, do you know what? Do you know what? You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. How did I know that? I have been through the most absurd things from um, abuse to racism to, to Oh Jesus, really? Yeah, yeah, loads of different things and they were in the workplace Fuck's sake I, I, I decided to write my resume This was a while back but I decided to Write my resume.

[00:29:33] I done it quite cool actually. I walked outside the building. I'm, I'm a planner. I'm a very organized planner. So I, if someone is doing something to me, I won't show any type of feeling. Towards it or 

[00:29:47] Stevi Ritchie: motion. Yeah. 

[00:29:48] Savia Rocks: There is a reason for it. I believe in life that when you give someone your energy of anger, pain, sorrow, all these things, the narcissistic [00:30:00] type of person who is doing it to you is absorbing your energy and walking away happy.

[00:30:05] So don't give them that energy. Okay. Final way to cleanse yourself. heal yourself by even by what the person is doing is wrong to learn from it while they are doing it right then what i did while that person was doing it i decided to write my resignation letter in advanced, on my phone. Abundantly, I manifested an awesome job.

[00:30:36] I don't know how I did it. Stevie, don't ask me. I don't know. But I manifested myself a really awesome job. And it came to me and I got it. Then on the 22nd of December, a couple years back, I left the building. And I wrote my resignation and I left and that was it and it was it was the most awesome thing that I've ever done [00:31:00] and doing relief.

[00:31:01] Yeah, it was relief and doing this hearing people. It's funny because no one really asks me this and it's really nice that you've actually even done this. Being able to hear people's stories and give them a platform that allows them to tell their stories in their way and talk to people from a different perspective with no judgement and let a person authentically be themself is one of the most rewarding things that you can do in your life, the same way it is as finding your purpose in life.

[00:31:29] If you find your purpose in life and you can show people that. you being on stage singing is something authentic and it gives you a rush a genuine rush and and even if you get nervous on stage like you say you know you're doing the right thing because he's giving you bubbles inside he's giving you all that yeah but it's for a reason it's making you feel like yes i'm meant to be here and like you say two songs in you know that audience loves what you do and you know you're [00:32:00] doing the right thing so that's what life is about That's exactly what life is about.

[00:32:04] So yes, you're absolutely correct of being on a journey, but It's, it's a good thing because I get to, every time I speak to someone, they give me, they give me their energy, I give them my energy, and we both, and we both kind of rise in a sense of goodness, connection, understanding, and then we stay connected.

[00:32:28] So 

[00:32:29] Stevi Ritchie: you kind of meet, that's it, yeah, you meet each 

[00:32:32] Savia Rocks: other, and you know when you, you can stay friends with someone like even us having this conversation. I would have never known me and you would have been able to have, you know, this conversation, but it's epic because it's genuine, you know, it's a genuine conversation.

[00:32:46] Exactly. 

[00:32:47] Stevi Ritchie: I'm quite an open book and I like, I'm sorry, I'm vaping, but fuck me. This is just me, you 

[00:32:52] Savia Rocks: know, 

[00:32:53] Stevi Ritchie: you know, I'm just, I'm like chilling on my couch talking to your Mason self, like, and I'm being very open, [00:33:00] very honest, and I'm just vaping away. So any viewers out there. Don't do it, but fuck it, I'm doing it.

[00:33:08] Do as I say, not as I do, is that it? That's the 

[00:33:11] Savia Rocks: one. That is the one. Do as I say, not as I do. That is absolutely the one. I know this 

[00:33:18] Stevi Ritchie: with you, you're just, you're just, I don't know, I do sense, yeah, you've gone for, like myself, you've gone through a lot of fucking tough times, a lot of shit, and like I said, you started from here, and now you're, you're like, going like that.

[00:33:33] Like, literally, up. Do you see what I mean? And I sense that. I sense When you, the way you were speaking, I thought, She's, she's, she's fucking spiritual, this woman. I did, I sensed it. I just got it, like, like that. And I know I'm freaking myself out. Um 

[00:33:51] Savia Rocks: Maybe you have something, maybe you have something Stevie that you don't realise you have and, and you know what it might be as well Stevie, the more that you connect [00:34:00] with, with spiritual people, the more that it enhances your spirituality.

[00:34:06] Stevi Ritchie: Yeah, yeah, like I feel, I don't know, I just feel like, not, this sounds really weird, but I feel like I've, I've kind of, I mean, I'm kind of, indulging in your heart. I don't know. It's so fucking weird. I don't know what it is. I just feel like I'm getting your, your, your energy, your vibe, your, I'm just, I'm picking up on things.

[00:34:29] It's almost like, you know, I feel this podcast, you've done a lot of them and it's just, it keeps on, Rising and rising and rising. Do you see what I mean? It's like, you know, you started off sort of down the bottom, but now it's just, it's going fucking like beyond which you would expect. Do you see? Do you know what I mean?

[00:34:51] So I'm just going to predict something right now. And I predicted marriages, careers, pregnancies, fucking, and, [00:35:00] you know, Most of them. Yeah, I've got right. Some of them are got wrong. No, I'm just going to put it out there right now. I could be wrong. So don't hold me to it, but I'm going to put it out there right now.

[00:35:08] Cause obviously this is what you do. This is what you love, right? You love being a host. You love, I love, 

[00:35:14] Savia Rocks: I love being a host and I love connecting with people, but my actual real profession is I am a professional songwriter. and a professional published photographer and award winning writer. So I'm an award winning writer first before absolutely anything, Stevie.

[00:35:29] Are 

[00:35:29] Stevi Ritchie: you, are you currently writing for someone at the moment? I am, 

[00:35:32] Savia Rocks: yes. Right, 

[00:35:35] Stevi Ritchie: it's gonna do good. I don't know who this person is. I sense it is, I don't know, is it a female? I could be wrong. You're writing for someone at the moment. 

[00:35:49] Savia Rocks: They're quite big. 

[00:35:50] Stevi Ritchie: And I, and I feel it's going to do amazing. That's all I'm saying.

[00:35:56] As regards to this podcast, I feel this is going to take off [00:36:00] as well. I'm getting a year, 12 months, it's just gonna, like that, that's, well that is all the prediction I'm gonna say. I could be wrong, but I'm just saying what I'm getting in my head, yeah, this song, I, I feel it's a female you're writing, you're writing the song for, 

[00:36:21] Savia Rocks: but whoever it, it's funny that is a good, that is a good, um, that is a good, um, analogy that you've got there.

[00:36:30] It is a female. 

[00:36:32] Stevi Ritchie: Okay, well, the song's gonna do good, it's gonna do great, is all I'm saying. And your podcast is gonna fly within the next 12 months, alright? That's all I'm saying. So 

[00:36:43] Savia Rocks: what I'll do, when the song does great, then I'll get the artist who sang the song to come on the podcast. Does that sound cool?

[00:36:50] Stevi Ritchie: I think you should. Fuck it, yes. Do it. 100 percent Salvia, do it. 

[00:36:56] Savia Rocks: And maybe I can get you to sing with her as well. 

[00:36:58] Stevi Ritchie: I fucking love that. [00:37:00] Cool. So I'll be well up for that. Get me fucking back on and I'll sing with her. Absolutely. That 

[00:37:06] Savia Rocks: sounds cool. We'll make that deal. 

[00:37:08] Stevi Ritchie: Deal. Shake. There we go. 

[00:37:10] Savia Rocks: There you go.

[00:37:14] Stevi Ritchie: Perfect. It's a deal. Done deal now. You got to keep me to that. 

[00:37:17] Savia Rocks: Okay. Definitely. There we 

[00:37:20] Stevi Ritchie: go. So just mark my words. Just, you know, let it go over your head, but I'm just, I'm just telling you what I've, I'm getting in my head. I don't want to freak you out anyway. Right. Sorry, I know you're, uh, you're interviewing me and I'm, I'm, I'm fucking telling you about you and I'm Do you know what I mean?

[00:37:41] So, no, I'm sorry. I'll, I'll shut up now. No, don't 

[00:37:44] Savia Rocks: ever be sorry for being you. That's one thing I always say to people. This is 

[00:37:48] Stevi Ritchie: me. 

[00:37:48] Savia Rocks: Exactly. This is just me. I 

[00:37:50] Stevi Ritchie: don't 

[00:37:50] Savia Rocks: care. One thing I do, one thing I do want to ask you, Stevie, is that the world of entertainment can be such a hard place. [00:38:00] And you spoke about You know, sometimes you got bad press.

[00:38:06] I realized in the world that there are people who, like we said before, who will only say bad things about you because of jealousy, envy, or something silly, you know, in life. One thing that I would love for you to share is, um, I know that you've been abundantly open when you've said to people, go out and do what they love.

[00:38:28] But the one thing that people don't often, oftenly talk about is the rejection that comes with being an entertainer. Trust me, I know, I know as a songwriter, there's a lot, you know. And sometimes you like, from my perspective, from a songwriting perspective, sometimes I think to myself, how the hell did that song get on the radio, for example, and you might be thinking, how the hell did that person get to be an entertainer when you know that your way of entertaining, [00:39:00] and it's not a bad thing.

[00:39:01] It's just one of those things. Where we think, how did that person become an entertainer? When you know, you do it with so much soul and grace for anybody, for anybody that's going through the transformation of wanting to become an entertainer, or as you say, which I love the way you say that, what are the things to look out for?

[00:39:23] And the opportunities to take, because we all know how the industry can be too. And when do you know when the right opportunity comes your way to take it? I know that's a big question. 

[00:39:35] Stevi Ritchie: No, um, so rejection, I mean, as you being a former songwriter, you, you're gonna, you're gonna, um, you're gonna go with me on the same page on this.

[00:39:49] So, um, I have been rejected, oh my god, So much in my life, like so much, like to the point [00:40:00] where I just thought, fuck this, fuck this, can't be arsed, can't be arsed. But something inside me just keeps coming back and banging that door until it fucking breaks, you know? Now I've had so much rejection, like I say, x factor six times, a no.

[00:40:18] I know, you know, I've had that so many times. Auditions, don't hear back from. You think, oh, I've fucking done a good job there. You don't hear back. I've been rejected. I've had, I've had probably I would go on an estimate of about a thousand no's and probably two yeses. You know, now that is a lot, but it's whether you've got the passion and the fire within yourself to keep going when you feel like you fucking can't, that's the difference between being a true.

[00:40:54] Performer and not giving up and the difference between ah, fuck it up. I can't be asked that [00:41:00] is not the attitude to have some advice that was given to me many years ago and I'll never forget it. I was 16 years old. I met Shane Ritchie, one of my idols, by the way, um, who has done everything. I fucking want to do the lucky bastard.

[00:41:15] So I went up to him when I was 16 years old, really starstruck as fuck. And I went up I said, um, Shane, have you got any, like, advice for any, you know, for myself, who wants to do what you are doing, you know, I want to be a performer, and he said to me, you've just got to believe in yourself, and you've just got to keep going, don't, just don't give up, don't quit, and those fucking words, Even to this day, I'm 43 now.

[00:41:44] This was when I was 16. So you can imagine, it stuck with me. And I've, I saw Shane Ritchie, um, perform not only in Greece, but also on the telly. And I thought, I fucking, I want to do that. I want to do what he's doing. But you know what? [00:42:00] The weird thing is, talk about full circle. About a few years ago, I was working with Shane Ritchie as a judge.

[00:42:08] Final talent competition. He was sitting literally right next to me on the same table. I was a judge as well because I just come out of x factor and big brother and I said to him, I said, I fucking, I met you at fucking, uh, Pontian's reunion when I was 16 years old and you gave me this advice and he, he kind of, I think he kind of knew, but it just goes to show how things happen full circle.

[00:42:35] If you don't. So I, even though I got loads of rejections out of here, right, and I did, fuck me, I can, I cannot tell you how many rejections I got, and it was deflating, soul destroying, a lot, trust me, and I was like, oh, fucking, something, inside me just kept coming back for more. It was almost like a drug that I wanted more.

[00:42:57] And I thought, fuck it, I'm going to keep going back. I'm going to [00:43:00] keep doing it. I'm going to keep doing it, keep doing it. And even one of my friends said to me, you know what, Steve, you've been trying for many, many years and you kept fucking trying to bang that door down. And look what happened. It fucking, it, it went down that door.

[00:43:16] And that's the difference between being a quitter, a performer, and your passion for it, and just then walking away. So that's what I've done. So to answer your question, Savya, like, I've had so much rejection, but the, the key is, no matter how hard it gets, because this industry, as much as you, you know this as well, it's fucking so insecure, it's so hard.

[00:43:41] It's so hard. You, it makes you want to cry, break down, get, get pissed off, frustrated, angry, all the emotions under the sun, right? But the key is to keep fucking going. Don't quit. And that's my motto now to my daughter, who is also [00:44:00] wanting to pursue a career in the performing arts. And she's amazing singer and dancer.

[00:44:04] Her name's Summer. Hello, Summer, by the way, if you watch, which you will, um, I said to her, I gave her a motto when she was a little kid and I said, what's our motto? She goes, never quit, keep going, never quit. So that's the motto I would pass on to any future performers out there as well. Never quit. Don't give up.

[00:44:22] Keep going. 

[00:44:24] Savia Rocks: I like that. See, that is the motto. That's how you have to keep it. You know what, it's hard and especially when you're in your, in your worst stages of, you feel like you're in your worst stages. Those are the times when you kick yourself in the arse and you're like, no, I have to do this. I have to literally do this.

[00:44:40] Stevi Ritchie: otherwise you'll die and regrets and you'll go off. Okay. No, I should have done that. Why, why, you know, regret it when you can, you know, it's not going to be easy. Fuck no. Cause it ain't nothing's easy, but when you get it, it's the most rewarding. Beautiful thing that you would ever, ever [00:45:00] have. And you'll feel like you've worked your fucking ass off for it.

[00:45:04] And believe me, you'll give yourself a pat on the back. And there'll be a lot of naysayers out there. A lot of jealous people. I remember, right? Let me just, I've just got to say this. So I remember putting on my social media on Facebook, um, I got an audition for X Factor and it was the seventh time. And, um, some people were doubting, they were like, I don't know why you're bothering.

[00:45:26] You're never going to get anywhere. It's pointless. It's pointless, Steve. It's pointless. And I kind of, I kind of got that in my head. I thought, ah, so people think it's pointless. Maybe I am wasting my time. And the weird ironic thing is I got time off from my work and it was in Birmingham, Birmingham city football stadium.

[00:45:46] I'll never forget. It was fucking pissing down cold. It was April. And I thought, I can't get I got up and that morning I thought, oh fuck me, should I, should I bother going? But I did, I thought, I forced myself to go, fuck it, I've got [00:46:00] time off work, I might as well, it'd be a day out anyway, and fuck it, I'd rather laugh.

[00:46:05] So that's what I done. And, to my, to my surprise, to my surprise, I, I queued up four hours, you could hear people singing these booths, and they were fucking shit hot, like, seriously, Serbia, right? They were banging, their voices were so superb, I'm talking like fucking Whitney Houston, fucking, um, I dunno, uh, uh, people like, um, Uh, I don't know today, but a few, uh, even like Freddie Mercury kind of like really good fucking voices.

[00:46:37] Right. And I thought to myself, fuck me, they got no, some of them got rejected. And I thought, you know, 

[00:46:44] Savia Rocks: why does, okay, so from a, this is just a professional songwriter's perspective. Okay. When someone writes a song for someone, right. You can have a top notch voice. [00:47:00] But if you don't have the charisma and the attributes of, how can I say, the showman, you know, so your charisma, showman, the, the uniqueness that nobody else has to give that song what it needs.

[00:47:21] Stevi Ritchie: You won't get 

[00:47:22] Savia Rocks: accepted. Now, there could be a person who has half the voice talent, and I don't know how to portray that, but I'm sure you know or understand what I'm trying to say. I do. A person who has an average voice, say like five or six out of 10, whatever. But there is something so unique within their charisma, you know, and how they portray theirself and how they portray their body language and how they articulate their body and, and movement to an audience, audience that capstivates the audience, right?[00:48:00] 

[00:48:00] I'd rather give my song to that person than someone who is a 10 out of 10 and has a bad ass attitude. 

[00:48:10] Stevi Ritchie: Oh, I like that. I like that. Yes. Very true. 

[00:48:15] Savia Rocks: So that's why a lot of the time people do get rejected. Um, and I think yeah, pretty much because if, if I'm writing a beautiful song or a beautiful symphony on the piano for someone, I kind of know who I want to sing in my mind.

[00:48:38] I've already kind of recognized who I want to sing it, but then. A lot of the time in songwriting, people might say no. So you always have to have a second kind of voice in your mind of who you would like to sing something. And I'm sure you understand this as well. So for me, it's not always about having [00:49:00] a 10 out of 10 talent.

[00:49:01] It's the charisma you bring with your talent that makes you awesome. 

[00:49:07] Stevi Ritchie: Yes. Fucking. Love that. Yes. And I'll tell you why I love that because the producers of X Factor that year said to me, we've never had a performer on the show, like they've had great singers and this and the other. And they said that to me, they said, we want to see you perform.

[00:49:27] So I went, yeah, all right, I can, I'll be up for that. I said, yeah, I'll perform. So that's what I haven't got the greatest voice in the world by far. I haven't. But do you know what? I'd make it, I just make it work because I give it 110%. And you're right. It's the showmanship. It's the performer. It's that charisma that comes out that many people don't have, but many people have their best voice in the world.

[00:49:53] Better than me. Yeah. Brilliant. But they don't have that. X Factor. So there you go. [00:50:00] And that's what the producer said to me. We've never had no one perform before. So we need to see you perform. So I was like, wow, okay. So there you go. You just said exactly what the producer said. Yeah, so true. So true. 

[00:50:15] Savia Rocks: That's what I mean.

[00:50:16] So it's so important to have something special. A lot of people think it's just about having a voice. It's not just about having a voice. It's about you. It's about something. Like we spoke about spirituality is about something unique in you that transitions through you to Every human being that is watching you if it's TV if it's radio You know if it's live performance is something that you have that nobody else in the world has like Freddie Mercury Michael Jackson, I love it, you know Fred Astaire, there's so many people that have these things that are awesome in how they do it.

[00:50:57] Celine Dion, there is so many people that have it [00:51:00] and they have something unique within them. Nina Simone's, I can go on. But then there's something about great songwriters as well that are able to bring out the emotion from the artist to help them elevate that into the world. So there's so many parts that play, but what you're talking about Stevie, I completely understand where you are coming from.

[00:51:25] So never say you're average. You're not average. You're unique. I'm all 

[00:51:29] Stevi Ritchie: right. 

[00:51:30] Savia Rocks: You're unique. You know, I like that. I'll take 

[00:51:33] Stevi Ritchie: that with you. Yeah. I'll take that. You bring something to 

[00:51:36] Savia Rocks: the table. Nobody else has. And I hope that people have learned from you to, like we said before, you don't give up. You keep going.

[00:51:46] You know, you, you know, if someone knocks you down and people turn around and say, Oh, don't, I don't think it's worth you doing it again. That's the time you do do it again. Yeah. 

[00:51:54] Stevi Ritchie: Because you want to prove them wrong. 

[00:51:56] Savia Rocks: Exactly. You want to prove them wrong, but you also kind of prove to [00:52:00] yourself that you believe in your ability to shine as an individual in this world.

[00:52:04] And you don't have to just because they didn't go for their dream. It doesn't matter. Doesn't mean that you have to stop yours, you know, so you just keep going. 

[00:52:13] Stevi Ritchie: Yeah. Yeah. But apps are fucking bloody looly and I totally agree, you know, like the likes of um, You know freddie mercury elvis presley witty houston celine dion Oh my god, they are the best.

[00:52:29] I don't care what anyone says. They're the best artists that ever lived. Well, Celine Dion's still alive, but you know, sad what happened to Whitney and I've called Elvis and Freddie, but you know, they are the best artists. They, for me personally, I look at them and I go, fucking awesome, fucking elite of the elite star quality.

[00:52:51] They've got everything. They've got the voice, they've got charisma, they've got, they're, they're, they're, they're, they're, they're, everything a performer should have, they, they [00:53:00] have, it's brilliant. 

[00:53:00] Savia Rocks: It's everyone has a different performance style as well. And I'm sure even you know, this, even when you perform, like, for example, I'm a big fan of the Carpenters, you know?

[00:53:10] Oh, yeah. She's got a beautiful voice, you know, and she passed away, you know, young and stuff. And it was, it was sad, but she left a legacy. just with her voice and how she was. She was a simple performer and there are people who are simple performers, but there is something to them where you're like, okay, I can just watch.

[00:53:36] I can just simply watch it. Yeah. Very intriguing. Like you want to know more. And then there's Fleetwood Mac. And then there's so many other people and like their band has a whole story to tell, you know, from what happened to them. So there's so many different ways of being able to articulate your gift.

[00:53:54] within being an entertainer. So it's just about finding your one. So I 

[00:53:59] Stevi Ritchie: [00:54:00] have You're on my way to them if you are. You're on my way to them if you are, Savya. Fucking hell, this is good. 

[00:54:05] Savia Rocks: So if there was one song that was the soundtrack of your life, Stevie, what song would you choose and why would you choose that particular song?

[00:54:15] Oh, 

[00:54:18] Stevi Ritchie: I mean, I have two, excuse me, I have two, but the one song that always kind of,

[00:54:30] okay, I'll go with my, my ultimate song, my money song, as I call it. So the greatest showman, right? So there's a song from the greatest showman and my daughter, I love her for it. She said to me years ago, she said to me, dad, I said, yeah, she went, I think you should sing this song in your cabaret, because I think it will suit your voice.

[00:54:57] And the song is called From Now [00:55:00] On, from The Greatest Showman. It's, and I, I thought, what the fuck is that? Anyway, I, I heard it. I listened to it and I kind of I thought okay, let's give this a bash And I sung it At my gigs and I thought fucking hell this is gonna either go down shit or it's gonna go down amazingly To my surprise I sing this song.

[00:55:24] I haven't done it recently, but every time I sing it my gigs at the end of my act people are They're like what the fuck? They're But wielded, they're like, wow, fucking what a voice. You know? 

[00:55:40] Savia Rocks: Your daughter just done an A and R, so A and r. Yeah, she just done an A and r on you. So basically, you know, a and r is where they go out and they find talent.

[00:55:49] You your daughter just done it for you in finding you a song. Yes. 

[00:55:55] Stevi Ritchie: Exactly. Yeah. She found me that song and I sing it [00:56:00] and when I do, I love it. I connect with it now because I, if you, when you hear the lyrics for me, if you can connect with the lyrics or about your own life, it makes that song so much cooler.

[00:56:12] smoother and, and, and you can, you can put so much feeling and emotion in it. And with that song particular, I feel it. I fucking cry when I, I try not to get choked up when I, cause you know, I saw the sun, but then begin to dim felt that winter wind go cold. And, and then he goes on about, you know, The people left him, you know, when, and he, he's wanting those cheers.

[00:56:35] He's wanting to chase, chasing those cheers. Now I can relate to that because I've chased those cheers. And, um, there's a lot of people that left, you know, when, when you're down on your fucking ass. So I kind of connect to that song. And when I sing it, it means so much more to me now because I feel it right.

[00:56:56] It's like a stab in the heart. It's like. [00:57:00] And not only that, it's a fucking good, powerful song. So that has got to be my money song, along with a musical song called This Is The Moment from Jekyll and Hyde. Which, if you know, you know. Hi, Sylvia. And that song But yeah, again, when I sing that, it's like, fuck you, I'm doing this, this, I will make it on my own, and fuck you lot, I'm going for it.

[00:57:24] And that's kind of like a fuck you song, like, this is the moment, fuck you, you know, I made it, I'm gonna make it. I 

[00:57:32] Savia Rocks: think all of us need a fuck you song to be quite fair. Yeah. No, honestly, I think we do. 

[00:57:41] Stevi Ritchie: It helps because when you sing that fuck you song. You bring out that fucking frustration and that power and the, the, the, like the, um, I don't know, the sense behind it.

[00:57:53] It's, it's really a beautiful thing. So they're my two money songs. [00:58:00] Defo. 

[00:58:00] Savia Rocks: I like it. I like those two. See, I'm going to put them in our soundtrack now. So, I've only got Two more questions for you, my beautiful, before we go, and it's like, it's like it's gone so quick. I don't know where it's gone. I could talk to you for hours.

[00:58:14] Literally, I could talk to you. I could talk to you 

[00:58:17] Stevi Ritchie: for hours. Fucking hell, I, it's like the time been on there for an hour. I don't even fucking feel like it. It feels like 10 minutes. 

[00:58:22] Savia Rocks: It does, that's what I mean. It doesn't feel like it at all. So, I always like, I always like, You know, ending the podcast on a, on a really peaceful and tranquil note.

[00:58:33] Reason being, it lets the guests leave in a really peaceful way. But also, it lets the people know, the guests, the people who are listening, sorry, have a peace to know that regardless of what they're going through, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and everybody's journey is different. So, I would love to ask you, when was the last time you felt totally at peace with yourself?[00:59:00] 

[00:59:03] Stevi Ritchie: Quite honestly? It's only in the past. A few weeks that I feel at peace and harmony, not only up here. 'cause I'll tell you, your brain, your mind is the most dangerous fucking weapon on earth. Tell me about it. . You know what I mean? . It can, it can play tricks on you. It can fuck with you. It can make you not sleep.

[00:59:31] It can make you do stupid fucking things. So it's the most powerfuls thing. Like God has ever created your mind. So, quite honestly, in the past few weeks, not only mentally, but soulfully and physically, I feel at peace. Only in the past few weeks. Now, it's only because I just feel, I just feel so like, what's the word?

[00:59:59] I'm so [01:00:00] quiet within. Not, not, not, not introvert, but just kind of, I'm very, yeah, that's it. Yes, I feel so. I'm, I'm like, okay, I'm not getting angry. I'm cool. I'm calm. I'm not reacting in any horrible way. I'm, I'm at peace. And I'm like, Delaney, I'm sitting here and I'm like, ah. And it's the most beautiful feeling when you just feel at peace and harmony within your soul and yourself.

[01:00:33] And also, up here as well, because that's most fucking important, right up here. So, yeah, past few weeks, honestly, that's the time I've, I've, I feel Total at peace. 

[01:00:47] Savia Rocks: I like that. I definitely like that. So my last one for you, Stevie, is I would love for everyone to be able to connect with you. I've had, I'm not even going to say goodbye yet, but I've had the [01:01:00] most wonderful time with you today.

[01:01:02] And trust me. And before I go, I would love for people to be able to find you connect with you, you know, just have a piece of your energy, if they can, by sharing your social media sites and anywhere that anybody else can connect with you. 

[01:01:21] Stevi Ritchie: Absolutely. So, I mean, on Instagram, I'm on Instagram quite a bit, um, it's at the Stevie Ritchie with a blue tick, with a blue tick, without the E, at the Stevie Ritchie with a blue tick, you can't miss my ugly mug.

[01:01:35] Save that Stevie. It will come up, and then TikTok, um, um. I'm on it, but not as much. So that is Stevie, uh, with an I and an R. And that will come up as well. It's only, only got about a thousand followers on TikTok, but I've got 30,000 on Instagram and also Facebook. So Facebook, uh, you can find me on Steven with a a v, Richie, [01:02:00] R-I-T-C-H-I-E, and then Twitter at the Stevie Richie as well.

[01:02:04] Okay. So they're my, they're my sort of tags. Yeah. 

[01:02:08] Savia Rocks: Awesome. Stevie, I want to say now, thank you so much for taking your time to come on the Ask People podcast, taking me on a podcast journey that I didn't even expect or know what was going to happen. You've been completely awesome. No, it's true. You've been completely awesome.

[01:02:25] You've embraced every single moment of our conversation, and I am deeply definitely gonna stay in contact with you. And I hope we stay connected. Thank you so much. Oh, we got 

[01:02:36] Stevi Ritchie: each other's WhatsApp. So it's good actually. Yeah, we do. Yeah, we do. You messaged me literally the day before. I can't remember. But you messaged me and I was like, Oh, sorry.

[01:02:47] I'll pick up voice note. Yeah, because I can't be bothered to fucking type. I always voice note sometimes. I'm a lazy bastard. Sometimes I'll be I can't be bothered to type. So I voice note. But yeah, I'm Definitely want to stay in contact with you [01:03:00] because I, I want to see your journey as well. Obviously with your songwriting with this female artist that will progress and, and do really good and also your podcast as well.

[01:03:10] So I want to stay in contact with you because I, I dunno, it's, it's something really pure and just spiritual about you. And it's just, it's really fucking, it's, it's an endearing. Uh, affectionate thing. Do you know what I mean? So I definitely, there was something about you. I just, I, I just know you're just, I dunno, you're very fucking clued up.

[01:03:38] But you are also very, uh, I feel you are at peace and harmony as well, although you got things to achieve and you want to achieve. 'cause we all have dreams and ambitions. I do feel you are at peace with within your soul and your mind when you weren't many fucking years ago. You're a bit. You were fucking all over the show, but now, you know, you're right, [01:04:00] you know, you know yourself, you, you were, you're a bit fucking everywhere.

[01:04:04] You were there and everywhere. You're fucking didn't know whether you were coming or going years and years and years and years ago. But now you're, you're, you know, where you're at, you're grounded, you're, you're, you're pure, you're spiritual. You've got your head in the right place. You know exactly which route you want to go, you know, exactly your goals and your dreams.

[01:04:21] And I feel for me, you know, exactly what, how to do it. It just takes time, time to you, and you'll get it. It's just, I feel now you're in the right, what I'm trying to say is you're in the right headspace mentally, physically, and within your soul. 

[01:04:39] Savia Rocks: And you know what? That's an awesome way to end the podcast.

[01:04:43] Literally how you said, literally how you said that it's an awesome way to end the podcast. Stevie, I want to thank you so much again for coming on. You're absolutely brilliant. Don't forget that. Okay. 

[01:04:55] Stevi Ritchie: I'll try not to. And also you, because I [01:05:00] think sometimes, as performers, and you know this, we self doubt.

[01:05:04] Savia Rocks: Yes, very much. I think it's self sabotage, that's what we call it. Yes. Yeah. We self sabotage ourselves because we feel that, and this is another thing actually, look at us. We I know! Pretty good, isn't it? We look at Sometimes we don't celebrate the achievements that we've succeeded within. Sometimes what we also do is we look at other people and compare.

[01:05:33] our achievements to theirs. Now that is wrong. 

[01:05:36] Stevi Ritchie: Yes. 

[01:05:37] Savia Rocks: I'm sure we've both done that, right? 

[01:05:39] Stevi Ritchie: I've done that. I've done that so many times. Not anymore. I've like, fuck it. I'm doing it. I'm like that now. 

[01:05:44] Savia Rocks: I'm like, I couldn't give two. You know, 

[01:05:47] Stevi Ritchie: two shits. Say it.

[01:05:52] Yes, girl, come on! 

[01:05:55] Savia Rocks:

[01:05:55] Stevi Ritchie: couldn't, I 

[01:05:56] Savia Rocks: honestly couldn't, and I think, I've realised there's a trick to [01:06:00] life, and I think, oh, I wish when I was 17, when I was all over the place, I knew this. Basically what it is, it's, when you don't give a rat's arse. My terminology things things happen for you when you do give a rat's arse things take a longer time To work for 

[01:06:20] Stevi Ritchie: you.

[01:06:20] Yeah, it's like you're putting a block on it. 

[01:06:23] Savia Rocks: Yeah, it's mad So when you decide to wake up one morning and say, you know what? Thank you universe for making me see another day I don't give a shit. Yeah for some It's not that you're not grateful for the day you are because you're saying thank you, but for everything else You It's like, okay, I'm just going to go with the flow.

[01:06:42] Basically, that's what I'm trying to say. I'm just going to go with the flow of how things go and, Mm, yeah, if it works, it works. Yeah, if it works, it works. If it don't, it don't. But for some odd reason, Stevie, when I, it's not that I don't care as much, when I'm just like, [01:07:00] blase, but I do it. It works. And I learned that trick.

[01:07:08] Stevi Ritchie: I'm going to try that because that's something I haven't tried. 

[01:07:11] Savia Rocks: Trust me, when you're like, when you, when you just go with the flow and just let it be, even if, if something comes to you and someone gives you some kind of news and it's not the news that you may want, you just go, yeah. And you move forward because you have no emotional connection to it.

[01:07:30] But if you remember, it's about energy. So if you give yourself that emotional connection. to someone who says something bad or someone who's giving you bad news. It's you let it go. It's like it doesn't affect that energy that you've had. So you get to keep your energy and you just let it go. You just let it go.

[01:07:52] You let it be because everything, everything in life is energy. The earth were all [01:08:00] elements were all elements of this earth. Everything us touch, feel all of it is all elements. So it's, it's mad how. Our emotions are connected to those elements. I can go on and on about this all day, but it's, it's really Wow, I love it!

[01:08:18] It's really cool, but I think everybody's just on their natural own journey. And like you said, when you don't give two shits, it usually works out for you. It usually works out for you, but the, the blessing of it all is you being yourself. A lot of people A lot of people pretend to be somebody else because they're too busy worrying about how other people think of them.

[01:08:40] Exactly that. Whereas if you don't care. I don't give a fuck. This is me. Don't care. Love me or hate me. I'm like mine. A lot of people have become successful because they don't care what people think about them. And when you do that. And when you do. That thing you don't care, you become a lot more successful because you don't [01:09:00] attach your emotions to the, to the things that are unfulfilling or the negativity that comes your way or people trying to block your energy.

[01:09:06] There's always going to be some bastard, excuse my language, but there's always, there's always going to be some bastard trying to block your energy, but they're just jealous and insecure. And, you know, unfulfilled with their life. That's not your life. That's their life. Let them, let them carry on with their way.

[01:09:22] Forgive them. Yeah. The one thing I always say to people is forgiveness is the key thing to life. Forgive them and forgive yourself for going through it. A lot of the time. 

[01:09:31] Stevi Ritchie: I've heard this, uh, like you're the second or third person to tell me that 

[01:09:38] Savia Rocks: it's true. 

[01:09:40] Stevi Ritchie: It's fucking spot on. Yeah, you're right. And yeah, I mean, listen, yeah, I'm like, you know, I forgive myself and I wish peace and love to all others as well.

[01:09:54] Peace and love. 

[01:09:56] Savia Rocks: See, that's it. I think this is one of the most podcasts I've ever sworn [01:10:00] on, to be quite fair. Oh, I 

[01:10:02] Stevi Ritchie: fucking love it! Go on, Savio, fucking more, more! 

[01:10:10] Savia Rocks: And I always say to people, there's nothing wrong with swearing as well, because apparently 

[01:10:14] Stevi Ritchie: I'm just being, I swear every day, like I make people laugh when I swear.

[01:10:18] Savia Rocks: They say that, um, when someone swears, they are more likely To tell you the truth, than a person who doesn't. Yes. It's 

[01:10:27] Stevi Ritchie: passion. That's right. It's passion. 

[01:10:30] Savia Rocks: Yeah. So, that's it. Stevie, I want to say thank you again for coming on. And this has been absolutely brilliant. I fucking 

[01:10:39] Stevi Ritchie: loved it as well. It just felt like over an hour and ten, fifteen minutes.

[01:10:42] Feels like ten minutes and now I'm fucking going. 

[01:10:46] Savia Rocks: Oh, man, 

[01:10:47] Stevi Ritchie: guys, 

[01:10:48] Savia Rocks: I want to thank you so much for listening to the US people podcast. And please remember, you can subscribe and leave us a review on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Google Play, and any other [01:11:00] platform that you prefer listening to please also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

[01:11:05] And you can also donate to the US people podcast by simply going to the Savvy Rocks website or go over to the Us people podcast website, guys. Again, thank you so much for listening. Stay happy, stay positive. And as always, please continue to be kind to one another. Take care. I don't know if you can see it, but this is the um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript.

[01:11:51] I don't know if you can see it, but this is the um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript. Love that. 

[01:11:56] Stevi Ritchie: Love that. Thank you. Love that. [01:12:00] Saria, thank you so much for getting me on. It's been an absolute pleasure and a blessing. And like I said, it doesn't feel like this long. It just feels so organic. Yeah, organic. I could talk for you for longer.

[01:12:13] Do you see what I mean? It's fucking weird. But anyway, no, I've really enjoyed myself. Thank you so much for getting me on. Of all people, you wanted me. And yeah, I just said, yeah, I'm gonna do it. I, and I wanted to do it, so I'm glad. And you know, I've been, I've just been straight with you. You've been straight with me.

[01:12:32] Yeah. And I've loved it. I, you are great fucking at what you do. And so no thank you.

[01:12:49] Savia Rocks: Spread your wings and. We're just soaring through this journey, leaving fear far behind. Oh, I'm [01:13:00] so full of courage, you can win if you try. Redirect the S to you, you'll see the power that lies if you try. Like I'm Superman, spread your wings and let them win. I fly like I'm Superman, spread your wings and let them win.

[01:13:21] I fly like I'm Superman. I'm 

[01:13:26] superman.